community service

A TGNCK Patch for Girl Scouts Nation's Capital!

Guess what? We now offer a patch for all Girl Scouts interested in fighting hunger! Troops may coordinate their own event and/or participate in currently planned events to earn their very own TGNCK Hunger Relief patch. I am truly excited about this huge step for us and most importantly I'm thankful for having a great servitude-relationship with the Girl Scouts Nation's Capital. Feel free to contact us via to begin coordinating your outreach event TODAY!

Looking Back at an Amazing Year!

I was always conditioned never to look back. Its acceptable to look back briefly to appreciate your current position and promising future but the keyword here is "briefly". Today, I choose to reflect a little longer than usual because 2016 has been a great year for TGNCK! Lets see here...what happened:

We formed in 2015 and received our tax-exempt status. We opened a brick-and-mortar and celebrated that by having a packed ribbon cutting ceremony where all guests donated school supplies that went to three elementary schools. We prepared over 2,000 meals throughout our region, distributed just as many hygiene packages, provided blankets and coats for three elementary schools, local families and the unsheltered homeless. We coordinated two Moving Forward Makeover workshops. We established a partnership with the men of Kappa Psi and Pi Lambda Lambda Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. We were featured in several magazines and newspapers. We received numerous contributions and grants. We held team building functions to strengthen the morale of our most important resource...our volunteers! Last but not least, we received the support and assistance of our amazing community! Feel free to view our Gallery page to see exactly what we've been doing!

We cannot THANK YOU enough for the amount of support and encouragement you give us. Just to give you a hint of what we are working on for next year: we have our inaugural charity gala coming up in February, each program will be lead by a Committee Chair, we are actively looking to secure two volunteer Office Managers to manage the office and we are looking to roll out our much anticipated Resume Writing 101 Workshop for Veterans! This workshop will also include interactive interview tips and ideas! We are looking to engage our teenage youth volunteers with students in need of tutors to help strengthen academic confidence and performance!

If you haven't submitted a volunteer application is never too late to submit one! We are always looking for dedicated team members to help rebuild and strengthen our community!

I'm so Happy!

This evening had to be one of the best evenings I've experienced while pursuing my outreach initiatives. We prepared barbeque chicken, yellow rice, and cabbage for the families at our adopted shelter. Typically, there are more adults than children but this time the children's table outnumbered the adult's table. We were a bit nervous when thinking about how the children would embrace the cabbage. Within minutes of everyone saying grace they overwhelmed us with much appreciated accolades. Of course I smiled from ear-to-ear, showing all of my gums. My moment came when one of the pre-teens asked if he could help wash dishes..."uh YES grab that towel and dry". Personally our wanting to make a difference in our community comes from moments like this. Yes. We want to strengthen our community and we want to end hunger but we also want to reinforce effective communication, active listening skills, and family-like experiences that will shape our younger generation [now] so that they value "family time" in the future. He could have went outside with the other guys but instead he helped, got to know us and why we do what we do. Hopefully the "thing" that intrigued him about us will push him to do the same, if not something more impactful, for his community.

Dream. Plan. Take Action.

Yesterday was a great day for T.G.N.C.K. Though we decided to "work" during the planning, coordinating, and forming of the organization (meaning we fed those who were hungry while we formed), we just recently accomplished the finalizing steps towards making T.G.N.C.K. a full non-profit organization. We formed as a non-stock corporation on March 4, 2015 but it wasn't until last week, when we were able to submit our application for tax-exemption recognition. Yesterday, we opened the non-profit business account, officially opened a credit card for the organization, and retrieved our Outreach T-shirts! Now, you may wonder why I'm so forthcoming with information. Well, simply put...I'm extremely proud of our accomplishments and I believe in transparency.

I came across this image and felt the need to share it. If you have a goal in mind, stay true to it and do everything in your means to bring it to life.

Visualize it. Inform others. Put it on the calendar. Be realistic. Remain committed.

See your goal come to life. Own your goal by sharing your concepts with others (accountability). Set a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, make it realistic, and set a time frame (SMART goal). Stick to accomplishing your goal despite any setback (which is a mere lesson that will better your approach).