accomplishing a goal

Dream. Plan. Take Action.

Yesterday was a great day for T.G.N.C.K. Though we decided to "work" during the planning, coordinating, and forming of the organization (meaning we fed those who were hungry while we formed), we just recently accomplished the finalizing steps towards making T.G.N.C.K. a full non-profit organization. We formed as a non-stock corporation on March 4, 2015 but it wasn't until last week, when we were able to submit our application for tax-exemption recognition. Yesterday, we opened the non-profit business account, officially opened a credit card for the organization, and retrieved our Outreach T-shirts! Now, you may wonder why I'm so forthcoming with information. Well, simply put...I'm extremely proud of our accomplishments and I believe in transparency.

I came across this image and felt the need to share it. If you have a goal in mind, stay true to it and do everything in your means to bring it to life.

Visualize it. Inform others. Put it on the calendar. Be realistic. Remain committed.

See your goal come to life. Own your goal by sharing your concepts with others (accountability). Set a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, make it realistic, and set a time frame (SMART goal). Stick to accomplishing your goal despite any setback (which is a mere lesson that will better your approach).