
Become a Member of our Fundraising Advisory Committee

The Good News Community Kitchen is looking to establish a Fundraising Advisory Committee. This Committee will convene on a monthly basis, face-to-face with the option to dial-in. The objective of this committee is to create and implement ongoing fundraising initiatives to sustain TGNCK efforts to continue adding value to the lives of others. Each committee member will be responsible for attending the monthly meeting, reviewing and assessing each month’s fundraising efforts and assisting with coordinating and implementing the annual 1920’s Charity Gala (February). Each committee member will have a monthly financial obligation of $40 per month. TGNCK is a 501(c)3, nonprofit organization. All contributions and donations will receive a contribution slip for tax purposes.

Committee Members must submit a professional headshot and one paragraph summation of their work experience and/or current skill sets, to info@tgnck.org along with their volunteer application. All committee members will be highlighted in our quarterly newsletter, social media platforms and our website.

Your support and strategy will ensure TGNCK's success, sustainability and level of impact!

Shifting Gears

TGNCK prides itself on its custom website and all of the great features it provides our community. Effective immediately, TGNCK will shift from a heavy social media presence to utilizing our website to disseminate events, projects, current events, images and our product line. While we love our social media family, as a non-profit organization with a website, we want to utilize all features associated with our website to keep the community informed, connected and with direct access to our office. 

Thank you for your understanding and support! Please pass the word out about our website www.tgnck.org

Be sure to browse our product line available in our Good News Store. 


We were Featured by The Renewal Project!!

Do you believe in Vision Boards? Well I do. I believe in them so much that last year, at our Moving Forward Makeover Vision Board workshop, I placed a goal on mine. This goal consisted of being featured by The Renewal Project and competing for their Renewal Awards. Well ladies and gentlemen, half of that goal has become reality. The Renewal Project featured us on their website and Social Media sites! It was with great pleasure that I marked through that goal on my vision board. I was quickly reminded that the entire goal had not been fulfilled but my focus is still set on being a candidate for their Renewal Awards. 

I hope that if just one of you read the below article, you take from it the importance of embracing your past and taking "that leap" with regard to your goals/dreams. I was once embarrassed of my past. I mean, my friends either had a working mother or both parents and my grandparents were my head of households for a significant portion of my life. I always dreamt of what it would be like to have a Dad and to have always had my mother physically with me. At the young age of 34, I realize that had I not experienced that void, I wouldn't know what today's child is going through and wouldn't be so driven to be their backbone. 

It is not fair for a child to sake their innocence because of decisions made by adults or because of an adult's shortcomings. My heart desires to help as many unsheltered and underserved individuals as I can but the needs of our future leaders have a priority. They deserve balanced meals, adequate sleep, clean clothing and people who believe in them in order to perform and advance in their academics and social settings. I will help as many children as I can and only ask that you assist me with helping them. 

Read our feature in The Renewal Project!